Dear visitors / users of our Portal,
The ADRIATIC PROPERTIES Portal is currently in the test phase and most of the data is demo data in order to adjust the appearance and functionality of the portal.
ADRIATIC PROPERTIES Portal is primarily intended for real estate (and everything related to real estate) located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea (all countries with access to the Adriatic Sea).
INFO for Portal users:
We believe that the ADRIATIC PROPERTIES Portal will become a central place for you to collect all the relevant information necessary for making a decision on buying/renting any type of real estate, as well as an excellent source of information for the construction, decoration and/or adaptation of your real estate.
INFO for business partners who want to advertise on the Portal:
Dear Sir/Madam, if you are engaged in mediation in the sale/rental of real estate located by or near the Adriatic Sea, we believe that our Portal will help you in the sale/rental of the same. The advantage of the ADRIATIC PROPERTIES Portal is that it is narrowly specialized (geographically) and that real estate is advertised in English. From the marketing aspect, ADRIATIC PROPERTIES Portal is aimed at potential buyers of real estate from those European countries that traditionally gravitate towards the Adriatic Sea area, or want to become property owners in this area due to good connections by air lines. If you are a contractor in the construction and/or adaptation of apartments, houses or business premises, we believe that you will find it in your interest to advertise on our Portal.
Please note that until June 30, 2025. advertising is for free, and after that at very affordable prices.
For all additional help and information, feel free to contact us at our e-mail, or on mobile / Viber / WhatsApp +385912202809